Setting up Tailscale on your InvisaGig - v1.0.12

Watch our video tutorial and intro to Tailscale setup on the InvisaGig. (Requires InvisaGig software v1.0.12 or higher)

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Excellent. All is working well.

1 - how do I update Tailscale to the newer version?

2 - any plans to implement EXIT NODE for tailscale running on Invisagig?

Thank you.

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The Tailscale versioning will update with successive InvisaGig updates.

Exit node capabilities are under consideration and may end up on our roadmap.

Can you give us your own use case scenario for the exit node residing on the InvisaGig versus on a device internal to your local network behind the InvisaGig?

Re: exit node - I like the option of having the exit node on the modem/router. If it is up and running, it will work. Although internal device such as VM with tailscale would work, I have to ensure the VM is on and running.


Hi @cemjack ,

I am a little confused on the use case explanation so just want to clarify so I better understand :slight_smile:

For Tailscale, the exit node feature lets you route all internet bound traffic through a specific machine on your tailnet (in this case, the InvisaGig). Websites accessed by tailnet machines using an exit node will see these machines as having the public IP addressing of the exit node (in this case, the InvisaGig’s public IP addressing). So to confirm the intent of your desired use case, you would like to route all Internet traffic from tailnet machines which are not already using the InvisaGig for their Internet connection, through the Internet connection of the InvisaGig?