Random Connection Drops

Hi @braduser ,
Thank you for your questions! From your description it sounds like your connection to n41 may not be very strong or your local tower is having some stability issues. When you have a moment, can you please share screenshots of Modem Info (non-logged in version so that your IMEI is redacted), Live Signal, and the results of a 5G SA Tower Search? I would like to see the Tower/Cell ID with signal metrics to assess further before making a recommendation.

Yes, with some games and IoT devices 5G SA can present some issues. However, there can be some workarounds for this. In any case, have you tried enabling the Connection WatchDog feature which can automatically help reconnect the InvisaGig when the connection is observed to drop or become poor? There is also Scheduled Reboots which can help temporarily increase your priority on the tower if your connection is affected due to congestion.