Modem cannot resolve hostnames


After following all setup instructions, when I request Modem Info, the internet status states “Modem cannot resolve hostnames.” I’m at a loss as to what to do next to troubleshoot this.

I am using AT&T as a carrier. I’m unsure exactly data plan I am on. I brought the InvisiGig to the AT&T store and showed it to them and explained that I was using it for home internet and they gave me a sim card that says AT&T 5G on it. In the Setup Wizard I selected “Branded 5G Hotspot”, which lead to the “Modem cannot resolve hostnames” Internet status. I tried changing the selection to “Generic 5G Hotspot” but that caused the internet status to show no internet connection.

I’m interfacing with the Invisigig in the Brave browser on a Macbook Pro.

Hi @ryanr

When the Modem Status shows “Cannot resolve hostnames” that typically means that the test we use for this timed out for one reason or another. It happens most often when the overall signal is of poor quality or low.

It doesn’t necessarily mean there is an issue, as you may have seen you likely were still able to view webpages with their domain names (like, etc).

Were you able to load any web pages, etc?

Your signal seem very strong overall, but oddly enough pretty low quality, usually that’s from high RF noise.