Can ping DNS websites but cannot open

This one is driving me crazy.
The tray icon shows I have Internet access. I can ping websites…BUT I CANNOT OPEN ANY.
I am on T-Mobile business and have been operating ok, however have noticed drastic losses in performance from time to time. In the past few days I have lost the ability to open any website. Fortunately I have fail-over capabilities, which I am currently running on. I have reset my gateway and switches to no avail. Keep in mind everything works great on my fail-over ISP on the same devices, just another modem.

Have never seen anything like it.

Sorry to hear of the issue.

Inconsistent performance can indicate signal disruption or an overloaded tower. When you cannot load a web site, what do the ping times look like? Can you share a screenshot of the redacted Modem Info page so we can have an idea of what settings are active on the device?

Also, since you have a failover setup can you walk us through what your end to end network configuration looks like? If you bypass your failover device and connect directly to the InvisaGig do you still have the same issue?

First, thanks for the reply.

Things are back to normal now. I didn’t make any changes, simply operated on my DSL failover ISP for a few days. Switched my gateway back to the IG to do some more data collection and, BOILA!

Strange circumstances. No idea how I could ping a URL but could not open the same site using any browser. In regard to your question regarding the ping, I was getting great response times usually less than 65 milliseconds.

Thanks again


I’ve had random reports of this from T-mobile users. It starts up one day, and then an arbitrary time later it stops doing it. The oddest thing, but it happens.

The fact that it could ping a URL is what baffled me because it must be accessing a DNS server to return the IP. I had the both primary and secondary DNS servers set to IPs outside of my LAN to insure I was acquiring them on the web.