Also. I use about a terabyte of data a month, Can ATT see that and target me for anothing things, like temporarily disconnect and reconnect so my modem has to reboot or reset to get internet? I have an ATT hotspot (netgear m5100) and it the internet is never interuppted on it but on my Invisagig it is 5-8 times a day (I do have wathdog setup and it reboots). It gets annoying after a while.
If you have a data plan intended for use in an AT&T branded hotspot then you would use the Branded profile. If you are using a phone or tablet plan then you would use the Generic profile.
Carriers can always see the total amount of data used by a customer and can initiate network disconnects or take other actions if they deem the amount of data falls under the abuse clause within their published terms and conditions. Some carriers are more or less permissive of high data usage depending on the plan. Generally plans sold and marketed to be used as home or business internet connections are more permissive of consistent high data use. This is general information based on customer experience but there can be lots of variation from myriad other factors such as types of data, tower congestion, etc.
WatchDog checks for connectivity at the user selected interval and intervenes if the connection is down or highly unstable. On rare occasions where the connection becomes overloaded due to constant saturation, WatchDog checks may time out thus triggering an intervention. In these situations it maybe helpful to disable WatchDog or set it to a less frequent check interval.
yes. I think I will change mine from ATT Branded to ATT Generic (or do you recommend Generic and set APN manually) and see what happens. Gee for the longest time i had no issues with my Invisagig and connections (where stable). not sure if it is when 1.0.12 came out around about anyway.
The ‘Generic Hotspot’ profiles for AT&T will also update the TTL value for you which is not done when typing in the APN details manually using the ‘Generic’ Carrier Profile. If you need TTL set for your plan and use ‘Generic’ to manually enter the details you would need to enter ‘TTL’ (all caps, no quotes) at the Main Menu to set this manually. However, historically AT&T customers have not had to set TTL so this may not be relevant to you anyway.
You can refer to this KBA for APNs used by each preset Carrier Profile. Please let us know if increasing the WatchDog interval does not improve the issue you are experiencing.
ATT Generic set APN to Enhancedphone, did not work as it should be nrbroadband. Generic let me set apn but for some reason it could not reach the internet, so I just set it back to ATT Branded and it has it working again. Is there any other behind the scenes setting that this does?
I used to get 5g band when I first moved here (maybe for a month or two) now I never get a 5g band. any ideas on this?
There are multiple AT&T Carrier Profiles which can be referenced in the KBA I shared:
If you set manually using Generic and you are using a 5G tablet plan (for example) you would enter ‘nrbroadband’, if the plan is not provisioned for 5G then it would be ‘broadband’. The IP Type should be IPv4v6. In order to connect to AT&T 5G bands you would need to ensure your plan is provisioned for 5G access. For this AT&T needs the plan to be activated using an approved 5G device IMEI. If this has already been done then the InvisaGig would need to be configured with this same IMEI. You can type ‘REPAIR’ (all caps, no quotes) at the Main Menu to enter this if you have not already.
If the InvisaGig has already been correctly configured for 5G access (by setting the appropriate APN and IMEI) and the plan is provisioned for 5G access by AT&T you should then have the ability to connect to 5G bands if they are available on your tower. You can check to see if 5G bands are available in your area. Be aware that this site is crowd-sourced and not official so it may not be 100% up-to-date and accurate, but it historically provides a fairly good idea of what is available in most areas.
yes everything is provisioned correctly for 5g and Invisagig is all setup for 5g as you mentioned above. 5G was coming thru for the first few months where we are parked. then all of a suddent I no longer get 5g at all. it was wierd that is all.
Ah, yeah, not sure. Sometimes carriers retune their tower bands or change the angle of their antenna arrays which can cause some areas which may have been on the very edge of network coverage to lose access especially if the band is a higher frequency one (high frequency = shorter distance).